Band Together... it's FEESible

Add Students Full Name, Donators Full Name, Amount to be given to student and the School then Click 'Add to Cart'

There is a PayPal handling fee that is removed from the initial amount given to the Student.
For example a $25 donation will deposit $23.97 to the student's account. ($25.00 - 2.9% +$0.30 per transaction)

Clicking the 'Add to Cart' button will open a new window and add Student and total to a PayPal cart.
No data is stored on this site.

On the PayPal page please click the 'More' link and ensure that the Student's Full Name and total is correct.

If you are having any problems with the Bandtogether PayPal, please clear cache and try again. if you are still having problems please Click here and fill out the form.